Youngstown, OH $55,000 6. Utica, NY $55,000 7. Flint, MI $59,000 8. Rochester, NY $60,000 9. Saginaw, MI $62,000 10. Dayton, OH $63,000 11. Of sas information help 142 who expressed a willingness sas venture help recommend others about sas facts help use of gems, 63% said they would advise pals, 18% siblings, and 12% mother and father. 55% said that they might propose sas information help use of ruby/aqeeq/yaqoot or marjan while 13% said that they’d suggest sas data help use of sapphire. Up sas undertaking help 93% people believed that other people advised would get a favorable affect on their fitness secondary sas challenge help using gem stones while 6% folks believed that both destructive and lucrative results would be sas statistics help anticipated affect. Of sas facts help 152 folks who suggested using a gemstone in sas facts help past for a positive affect on fitness; 49% had used a ruby/aqeeq/yaqoot or marjan and only 2% said using an emerald. Wearing a ring was sas data help most well-liked way of using a gemstone with 84% people reporting its use. 44% of 152 folks had used it for a period of 15 years while 20% of sas data help other folks had used gems for not up to a year. Frame, D. 1996. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Revisited. Interchange, Vol. 27/1, 13 22. Kluwer Academic PublishersGlaser, B.